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The Benefits of using restaurant scheduling software

Still using excel and fingerprint attendance system to handle your restaurant schedule and attendance ? Check out Onztime . We make your r estaurant scheduling much transparent and easier to manage.  Imagine at  Onztime , your employees use our free iOS and Android app to report in, shift swap, remind them about working time an hour before. And manager has App to get notice when there are employee no show or late. This prevent under resources or over resources at your restaurant and help you to reduce labor cost.  Everyone aware of own schedule  Employee can check their own schedule on mobile apps. Apply leave and even has reminder when one hour before working time. Wont that be nice for restaurant environment that has complicated working hours.  Employee Skill set and Availability  Time Scheduling You are allow to configure employee skill set inside so when Onztime auto schedule for you, it will select those employee that has matching skill to fill up the department resou

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